Senet: The Ancient Egyptian ‘Game of Death’ | Ancient Architects

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Recently, 'Science' published a fascinating article on an ancient Egyptian board game, that was popular in all tiers of society from 3000 BC to 2500 BC, and experts and the media are calling it the Game of Death. This article is the basis for this video and you can read it here: Senet was enjoyed by the Egyptians for hundreds and hundreds of years and experts have analysed just how the game evolved through time because thankfully, the pieces of the game have survived in the archaeological record. We only have snippets of ancient text and a new paintings that show the game being played and Egyptologists believe it was played by two players, each with around five pawns that were placed on a grid of 30 squares which are arranged in three rows of 10. Each player would take it in turn to throw a gaming dice to decide how many squares to move one of the pawns in each turn.
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