Shamans in Peru thank the Earth with ritual

Original Description
Shamans from across Peru gathered to make an offering to the Pachamama, or Mother Earth, during preparations for Earth Day.
Original Transcript

Estos momentos nos hemos reunido todos los maestros de diferentes lugares de Costa, Sierra y Selva para llevar a cabo un ritual místico ancestral en agradecimiento a la Tierra, la cual nos provee todo lo que consumimos y utilizamos. También, buscamos concienciar a la población y a la humanidad en general sobre la importancia de tener consciencia y reducir la contaminación de la Tierra.

Original Author
ARK Summary

Gathering of Teachers: The text mentions that teachers from various regions of Costa, Sierra, and Selva have come together for a mystical ancestral ritual.

Gratitude to the Earth: The purpose of the ritual is to express gratitude to the Earth for providing all the resources consumed and used by humans.

Environmental Awareness: In addition to showing gratitude, the gathering aims to raise awareness among the population and humanity as a whole about the need to reduce pollution and take better care of the Earth.

Ancestral Significance: The ritual has deep ancestral and mystical significance, reflecting a connection with traditional cultural practices.

Unity and Purpose: The text conveys the idea of unity among teachers from different regions with a shared purpose of environmental awareness and gratitude.