Ancient World of

USA & Canada


World Eskimo-Indian Olympics: Honoring Native traditions, survival skills, and cultural practices through multi-sport events. Join us!


2019 Native Youth Olympics: A celebration of Alaska's cultural diversity through traditional contests, fostering values of teamwork, leadership, and respect.


Turtle Island Creation Story: The indigenous concept of Turtle Island as a representation of North America offers a unique and deeply spiritual way of understanding the land. It symbolizes a profound connection between the continent and the natural world, where nature itself becomes part of the creation story.

Observing and Learning from Nature: Indigenous communities' emphasis on observing and learning from nature is awe-inspiring. This traditional knowledge system is based on generations of profound respect for and understanding of the environment, reflecting the beauty of living in harmony with nature.

Traditional Education Systems: Indigenous communities' traditional education systems focus on teaching vital life skills and fostering respect for the land. It's a contrast to contemporary Western education systems, revealing an alternative approach to learning and an insightful perspective on understanding the world.

Medicinal Plants and Healing: The utilization of plants and natural resources for traditional healing practices is a testament to indigenous wisdom. The knowledge surrounding medicinal plants and their healing properties is a reflection of the profound connection between humanity and the natural world in matters of health and well-being.

Preservation of Indigenous Languages: The dedication to preserving indigenous languages is a remarkable effort. These languages are not just a means of communication but carriers of cultural wisdom and knowledge. Their preservation is vital for maintaining unique worldviews and traditions, signifying the deep-rooted commitment to passing this legacy to future generations.